I am once again linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their Five for Friday Linky Party. I have been on Spring Break this week. It has been so great relaxing and attempting to get things checked off my checklist. I had high expectations for getting a lot done this week.
We celebrated Easter on Sunday by attending a sunrise service. The Easter Bunny also visited. She got a lot in her basket but her favorite item was bubbles. They have been entertaining her all week!
I was determined to get a garden planted this week. We don't do a big garden because our "green thumbs" are not that great. Four variations of tomato plants were planted as well as four types of bell peppers. Bugs or rabbits usually ruin half of our garden each year. I'm searching for ways to keep them both away.
One of the favorite memories growing up was going strawberry picking. My mom made the best jam and pies with the freshly picked strawberries! We got to introduce my baby to strawberry picking and she loved it!
Even though I have been on break I have been working on addition centers for next week. I am currently creating a carnival themed addition pack of centers. Four centers are included in the pack and some of the centers can even be extended to multiple centers for differentiation. I have also been prepping for my Plant Unit to start next week. I am planning on writing a post about how we study plants next week.
Lastly, we are prepping for my baby's 2nd Birthday Party. We are keeping it simple this year and just doing a party with immediate family. It's hard to believe that she is already 2 years old!
I hope that all of you had an enjoyable week!