Monday, June 8, 2015

Tips to a Kindergarten Teacher, from a Kindergarten Teacher

I was very excited when I discovered this blog post linky party led by Sharing Kindergarten!  There are so many GREAT tips from kindergarten teachers.  These blog posts are excellent for new kindergarten teachers as well as kindergarten teachers who have been teaching for a while.  It is always great to learn new tips and tricks that are successful from other teachers who have already tried them out in their classroom.  
I always have to remind myself at the beginning of the school year that teaching procedures and modeling how I want students to look and act in every situation is KEY to having an organized classroom environment and students who know what to do in all situations.  Some students that I teach have preschool experience while others have never been in a classroom environment.  I have found you can talk and talk and talk about how you want students to line up, sit on the carpet, walk in the hallway etc. but until you make them practice they will never fully understand.  One of the first procedures I teach students is how to sit on the carpet.  I expect them to sit on the carpet with their legs criss-cross and their hands on their lap.  Will they fidget and not always remember to keep their hands on their lap? Sure, and that is ok.  However  if I don't set the expectations the first day of school students will set their own expectations.  I have students practice walking in the room and then sitting on the carpet quietly, going to their tables then going back to their spot on the carpet and sitting properly.  The first two weeks of school are basically spent modeling the behavior and practicing it.  
Planning activities all throughout the year where students are allowed to play is important.  I find it particularly beneficial the first few weeks of school.  There will be plenty of time and opportunities for students to learn all the standards in Kindergarten throughout the year, but they need time each and every day to learn and explore through play.  I made home made play dough from a recipe I found on Pinterest for the students to play with when they first came into the classroom on the first day of school.  It was the best idea ever!  It kept the kids busy while I talked to parents and gave the kids who were having a hard time saying good bye to their parents something to play with instead of being sad.  I also give students opportunities to play in blocks and with various games, these work well throughout the week as well.  Block centers and the games are fun for students and also can be great learning opportunities.  
Movement is SO important for children.  This year I discovered GoNoodle.  We LOVED it!  There are so many fun interactive songs that guide the students in dancing.  It is great for even the most introverted students.  I also love to have the students move around during Word Work Centers in our Daily 5 Reading block.  
There are so many fun lessons that can be done through read a louds and songs.  I have found it is important to plan these kinds of activities for the first couple of weeks of school.  These kinds of activities keep the students engaged and active.  They also give students (and yourself) a chance to learn about each other.  
I hope that these tips have helped you and provided ideas.  
Return to Sharing Kindergartens blogpost to see the tips that other teachers have to offer.   

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